Family First Party

Friday, September 29, 2006

Get Ready for Telstra's Slash and Burn Strategy (Media Release)

Telstra’s secret plans to axe more public phones across Melbourne is just the start of its slash and burn agenda.

FAMILY FIRST strongly opposed flogging off the rest of Telstra, warning that services would be cut to boost profits. The telco hasn't even been flogged off and already hundreds of public phones are being axed across the country. Imagine what is going to happen when Telstra is sold.

FAMILY FIRST calls on the Government to listen to strong community opposition to selling the rest of Telstra and call off the sale. That's what the Government did when it ditched its plans to sell the Snowy Hydro Scheme, a move that FAMILY FIRST applauded.

FAMILY FIRST believes that Telstra is a service, not a business. And it ought to be treated as a service, not a business where the bottom line is all that matters. That is why FAMILY FIRST voted against the full sale of Telstra.

Australians expect governments to provide essential services, including telecommunications. But now they are paying the price for the Government treating Telstra as a business.

We know Telstra has investigated removing more than 25,000 pay phones but decided not to, fearing a public backlash. In February secret plans to slash more than 5,000 public phones were revealed.

The biggest losers from a completely privatised company driven by market forces will be Australians in regional, rural and remote Australia where Telstra’s market share is more than 90 per cent.

FAMILY FIRST supports free enterprise, not the free market. The sorry tale of Telstra is a stark example of the difference between the two.

For media enquiries phone Chief of Staff Felicity Dargan on 0409 550 446


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